403-527-7570 | reception@640pb.com | LinkedIn
Pamela is originally from Medicine Hat and after 21 years in Calgary, she returned to pursue the next
chapter in her life, closer to family, in the city she has always called home.
Pamela brings to our team over a decade of administrative and customer service experience, a passion
for order, a strong technical understanding of many office programs and software systems and an infinity
to nurture those around her. In addition to greeting all who enter the 640 Professional Building, Pamela
tends to the needs of the building’s tenants and provides administrative support to both the 640 and
Positive Life Concepts teams alike.
When Pamela is not in the office, her many hats include interior designer, Greek language tutor,
caregiver, artist, and loving aunt. When time permits, you’ll find her perfecting recipes in the kitchen or
talking to her tomato plants during the summer.